2022-07-23 |
Added missing command line parameter check to VMA Utility.
2020-08-13 |
Notarized VMA for Mac Catalina VMA Utility.
2020-08-11 |
Rebuilt and signed VMA for Mac Catalina VMA Utility.
2019-04-23 |
Bumped internal version number in TXT2PDF to avoid confusion.
2018-07-30 |
Fixed a couple of TrueType font handling bugs in TXT2PDF.
2012-03-21 |
Restored support for building/running VMA on z/OS.
2012-03-20 |
Fixed a couple of critters in VMA.
2011-08-05 |
Fixed a couple of critters in VMA.
2011-02-17 |
Added some brief usage comments to smcli
2011-02-11 |
Added the smcli z/VM system managment command line utility
2010-08-25 |
Added -s (snaplen) support to tcpdump-qeth wrapper
2010-08-23 |
Created a standalone version of the Unionfs filesystem for SLES
2010-08-07 |
Fixed a critter in KAOS when more than 58 servers were defined.
2010-03-13 |
Fixed a critter in VMA when adding to existing archives.
2010-03-11 |
Added support for creating/updating VMARCs to VMA.
2010-02-24 |
Added the KAOS system activation utility.
2009-06-03 |
Added Windows command line version to VMA.
2009-04-18 |
The VMA GUI is now fully Unicode capable.
2009-04-17 |
Several additions to TXT2PDF.
2009-04-02 |
Made VMA more compatible with newer versions of wxWidghets
2008-11-06 |
A few changes made to TXT2PDF.
2007-01-12 |
New version of VMA.
2006-05-05 |
New Mac version of VMAgui that opens viewer app on top of VMAgui.
2006-04-23 |
New Mac version of VMAgui. Get the goodness here.
2005-07-10 |
VMAWin is now VMAgui and is based on wxWidgets. Get the goodness here.
2005-06-29 |
A couple of minor updates to VMA.
2005-06-27 |
Added a couple more options to VMA.
2005-06-23 |
New release of VMA and it now includes the Windows GUI version.
2005-06-21 |
Added a fancy, schmancy (:-B) preliminary GUI version of the VMA utility.
2005-06-16 |
Updated the VMA utility.
2005-06-13 |
Added the VMA utility to list and extract VMARC files on non-VM systems.
2005-05-13 |
Added a VMPARMS patch that applies to zipl instead of the kernel.
2004-05-27 |
Uploaded the correct VMPARMS patch this time.
2004-05-27 |
Added a version of VMPARMS for the Linux 2.6.5 kernel.
2004-05-26 |
Several features added to TXT2PDF including image tiling, BMP support, and a few others.
2004-05-26 |
Fixed the VMPARMS patch to allow IPLing from tape and the VM reader.
2004-03-18 |
Released MD5 into the Public Domain.
2004-03-03 |
Released ARC4 into the Public Domain.
2003-10-31 |
Several features added to TXT2PDF including compression and encryption support in VM. Thanks Frank!!!
2003-08-12 |
Added TEXT DRAW type and fixed a bug introduced with the 08/10 update to TXT2PDF.
2003-08-10 |
Added DRAW and IMAGE keywords, stdio handling, and CMS PIPELINE stage to TXT2PDF.
2003-08-06 |
A few minor updates to TXT2PDF and the addition of a version in VMARC format.
2003-07-25 |
Restructured the underbelly of this here little site. If you were linking to it, you’ll want to check your links.
2003-07-23 |
Added another Kernel Fix (includes some enhancements as well)
2003-07-21 |
Added another Kernel Fix
2003-07-21 |
Updated DASD DIAG discipline 64-bit support
2003-07-18 |
Updated DASD DIAG discipline 64-bit support
2003-07-18 |
Added a couple more Kernel Fixes
2003-07-14 |
Updated DASD DIAG discipline 64-bit support
2003-07-14 |
Added another Kernel Fix
2003-07-13 |
Updated encode64 function
2003-07-13 |
Added another Kernel Fix
2003-07-13 |
Added 64-bit support to DASD DIAG discipline
2003-06-10 |
Added a couple more Kernel Fixes
2003-06-10 |
Added vipa-helpers to the zLinux section
2003-05-30 |
Added small patch to John Hartmann’s QDI syntax highlighter
2003-04-16 |
Added tcpdump-qeth wrapper patch and program
2003-04-03 |
Added Kernel Fixes section
2003-03-17 |
Updated MultiBoot patch
2003-03-14 |
Added MultiBoot patch
2003-03-04 |
Updated VMPARM patch
2003-02-19 |
Added zLinux section
2002-12-09 |
Updated zlibLE and bzlibLE
2002-12-09 |
Updated zlib390 and bzlib390
2002-12-09 |
Added HETUTL to the Assembler section
2002-12-08 |
More updates to zlib390 and bzlib390
2002-12-08 |
Added zlibLE and bzlibLE to the Assembler section
2002-12-05 |
Minor updates to zlib390 and bzlib390
2002-12-02 |
Many updates to TXT2PDF
2002-10-26 |
Added ASCII carriage control support to TXT2PDF
2002-10-11 |
Added bzlib390 to the Assembler section
2002-10-11 |
Added md5 to the Assembler section
2002-10-11 |
Added encode85 to the Assembler section
2002-10-11 |
Added encode64 to the Assembler section
2002-10-11 |
Added arc4 to the Assembler section
2002-10-08 |
Added TXT2PDF to the REXX section
2002-10-08 |
Added zlib390 to the Assembler section
2002-08-19 |
Yet another useless site is born